
Scientific Name: Lantana camara L.
Synonym: Lantana aculeata, Lantana armata
Family: Verbenaceae
Lantana(Lantana camara)
Recommended Temperature Zone:
Sunset®: 8-30
USDA: 9-10

Frost Tolerance: Half hardy in Phoenix, foliage damaged at 28° F(-2 ° C). Does not look very good in winter.

Sun Exposure: Full sun, tolerates reflective heat.

Origin: South America

Growth Habits: Upright shrub fast growing to 5 feet tall (1.5 meter), 5 feet wide (1.5 m); prickly stems, light green pubescent leaves, 1 to 2.8 inches long (2.5-7 cm), up to 2 inches wide (5 cm)

Watering Needs: Infrequent deep watering

Propagation: Seeds, cuttings, layering, can become a weed.

Propagation: Cutting

  • by semi-hardwood secondary cuttings, in summer. Use intermittent mist. Root in 3-5 weeks.

Lantana berries are poisonous.
Most of the plants sold as "Lantana" are either Lantana camara, or hybrid of L. camara and L. montevidensis. Lantana camara has thicker, less woody stems and the flower bunches have a characteristic color difference between the center flowers, and the outside flowers.

Fruiting Habits:
The plant is attractive to insects and birds.

Generally propagated by cuttings because seedlings take a long time to bloom. Use hard wood cuttings in the fall to have young plants in spring. The original Lantana camara self sows with the seeds being propagated by the birds. In the right conditions, it will become a weed.


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