Cuban Belly Palm

Scientific Name: Gastrococos crispa (Kunth) H.E. Moore
Gastrococos crispa
Size: Up to 45 feet tall (14 m) 20 feet in diameter (6 m)
Min. Temperature: 23°F (-5°C)
Water Requirements: Regular water
Sun Requirements: Full sun to light shade
Origin: Cuba
Leaf: Pinnate, 15 to 22 leaves, dark green above, lighter somewhat bluish below. 220 leaflets, 7 to 9 feet long (2 to 2.7 m). Spiny waxy petiole, 3 feet long (90 cm).
Trunk: No crownshaft, Swollen at or above mid height. Thin rings, often spiny. 8 to 16 inches in diameter (20 to 40 cm).
Flower: Woody spiny persistant spath covered with fuzz.. Flower stalk coming from among the leaves, 5 feet long (1.5 m).
Fruit: Yellowish brown. 1 inch in diameter (2.5 cm). round.
Seed: Round.