Guadalupe Palm

Scientific Name: Brahea edulis H. Wendl. ex Watson
Synonyms: Erythea edulis
Brahea edulis
Size: Up to 45 feet (15 m) up to 12 feet in diameter (3.6 m)
Min. Temperature: 18°F (-8°C)
Water Requirements: Little water
Sun Requirements: Full sun
Origin: Guadalupe Island, Mexico
Leaf: Costapalmate, 40 to 50 stiff leaves, light green on both sides, divided in 70-80 segments. Old leaves fall and don't form a petticoat. 3-6 foot long. unarmed or slightly armed, wooly wax cover..
Trunk: Naked, many irregular rings, self cleaning, 16 inches (40 cm).
Flower: Yellow, bisexual.. Flower stalk coming from among the leaves, inflorescences shorter than leaves (4-5 feet, 1.2 to 1.5 m).
Fruit: Black. up to 3.5cm in diameter, edible pulp similar in taste to dates. round.

The fruit can be eaten fresh, or made into jam or pastries.

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